Dubbers dubbed by dubbers


At one point or another, most of the English language dubbers in Rome appeared in front of a camera. After all, many of them originally came to Rome as hopeful actors, before finding that dubbing could provide them with a steadier income. A lot of the dubbers only ever appeared in small film roles (usually early on in their careers), though there were a few dubbers who appeared regularly in front of the camera and who divided their times equally between Cinecittà and the various Roman dubbing studios, with Frank Latimore, Edmund Purdom, Roger Browne, Michael Forest, Craig Hill, Tony Russel and Rodd Dana being the best-known examples.

Most of the time, the dubbers provided their own voices for the English language versions, but not always. Sometimes, even the dubbers themselves ended up dubbed by other dubbers. Lack of availability was usually the reason for this happening, though sometimes it also happened that an actor was not capable of a certain accent that the character required.

Here is a little video I’ve compiled featuring four examples of dubbers dubbed by dubbers. Enjoy!




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