The dubbing adventures of one-and-done dubber Don Stoneman
For most fans of English dubbing in Rome, the names we most closely associate with this industry are Ted Rusoff, Carolyn de Fonseca, Nick Alexander, Frank von Kuegelgen, Edward Mannix, Susan Spafford, Pat Starke, Robert Sommer, Tony La Penna and others who spent some 40 to 50 years doing dubbing. The majority of people who were involved with dubbing in Rome were not on the scene for that long, however. If anything, the English dubbing world was like a revolving door of people – with some involved for a couple of years before moving on to something else, whereas others were only briefly roped into it while in town for some months. One dubber belonging to the latter category was Don Stoneman, a.k.a. E. Donnell Stoneman, a former New York stage actor turned director/producer who enjoyed a very short-lived foray into English dubbing when he was in Rome for a few months in 1963. What makes Stoneman’s brush with dubbing so interesting in spite of its brevity is that he chronicled his exper...