Interview with John Gayford
Back in 2017, I had the great privilege of getting to know the great dubbing actor, writer and director John Gayford (1933-2021), who spent 40-something years working in the English dubbing industry in Rome. John very kindly agreed to answer my various dubbing-related questions, and I think his wonderful recollections will be of much interest to other fans of English dubbing, so here I present the online conversations we conducted during October-November 2017. Johan Melle: Hi, John. Thanks so much for agreeing to talk to be about your career. I greatly appreciate that. Now, first of all, I would like to ensure that I’ve correctly identified your voice. I made a little clip from the English version of the film Mark il poliziotto (1975). Can you confirm if that’s you dubbing the voice of Giorgio Albertazzi in this clip? John Gayford: Yes, what a surprise, confirmed. I’d forgotten all about it, but I adapted the dialog for the dubbing. They’re ...