William Kiehl

William “Bill” Kiehl was one of the undisputed top dubbers of the English dubbing scene in Rome in the 1960s. His deep and commanding voice made him an instant hit with the dubbing directors, and throughout the golden era of Italian sword and sandal epics, Bill dubbed all of the great beefcake heroes such as Steve Reeves and Reg Park, but also a number of colorful villains, and he even provided the voice for such renowned international stars as Marcello Mastroianni and Jean Marais. If the name and face doesn’t ring any bells then the voice will! Check out this video for some of Bill’s most famous dubbing roles: As with most of the other English language dubbers of Rome, biographical details are hard to come by, but some nuggets of information are found in the small biography on Bill in the playbill for the 1972 Broadway play Night Watch . While it unfortunately doesn’t say anything about where he was born, it does inform us that he held a B.S. and M.A. from Northwestern U...